Weird not to say something. Found out late yesterday afternoon about the terrorist attack.
We can’t pretend that these things are not happening or will not continue to happen. My prayers go out to all the people who have been impacted and hurt by this tragic episode of rage and hatred.
How should we respond? To pretend there is no evil in the world is not the answer. To live in constant fear is not the answer either. To hate or fear those who hate is not the answer. More gun laws or less gun laws is not the answer. Guns don’t make people hate.
Following a religious belief and agenda that requires sacrificing others and ourselves is really only touching the surface of what is underneath the hatred. I’m not even addressing Islam or pointing a finger because it’s not the problem. It goes much deeper than that and further back, even thousands of years.
I know this is a controversial topic and statement. Everyone wants to blame religious fanatics for these incidents. Religious Christians have caused many tragedies and still are to this day. Every time I see a hate sign of how “God hates fags” or an abortion clinic sign that says “God’s going to send you to hell” it cuts to the heart because Jesus didn’t model that behavior. In fact, the opposite was true, he made it clear his agenda was “to save and to bring life”.
I am a faithfully devoted Christian. I read my Bible every day and ask God to change me into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, a beautiful, loving, healing man. Every day I wake up and pray for a deeper way to love on people, to heal people, to see people set free from their pain. I am looking for ways to love people that hate and who are full of anger because the anger makes them sick and poisonous. Hate forwards an evil agenda and blinds people from believing there is a good God out there that loves his creation.
Regardless of who you are or who you believe in, we can all agree there is good and there is evil and we get to choose which camp we want to play in. When you hate, when you fear, when you don’t forgive, you cause yourself grief, even at cellular and neurological levels. We can expedite an evil agenda and we pass it on from generation to generation, community to community, church to church and not see this is what needs to change.
Peace starts at home. Love starts at home. Honestly, there are spiritual powers at work way beyond most people’s understanding. I refuse to participate in the hate or put my faith in the power of a Government when there is a good and just God who sees all things, even the depths of our heart.
Having spirit of love is still the answer. It’s a truly honorable agenda and one that can break the power of fear and evil. We need to ask ourselves what keeps us from being able to love and then start doing the personal work to eliminate the pain. It’s an individual question that will cause you to forgive because you’ll start seeing how much pain not forgiving can cause. It’s far reaching and the impacts are tremendous. It even carries throughout our DNA and family lines. It has names like cancer and aids. The power of it can be broken with forgiveness, by surrendering the baggage and laying it down once and for all. We have the choice to close the doors that cause us pain, keep us sick and hold us back from all that God really has for us and to save us from an evil agenda.