The heart of a true leader always wants to see other leaders rise up and be the leaders they were born to be.
Everything really does rise and fall on leadership. We need powerful loving leaders who believe in the greatness of people and are willing to truly disciple others, believe in others and bring out the gifts in others.
If we are willing to believe that God had a great design for humanity and there is a fingerprint of God built into each person, miracles can happen. I’m not talking about pumping people up, I’m talking about wanting to see God living and breathing through people. When we can see people this way, hold people in this high esteem, we raise the bar for leadership, culture and what’s possible for our nation and our world.
If you don’t see something great in someone then you’re either not looking closely enough OR someone or something hindered or thwarted the intrinsic brilliance of that person. Our job as leaders is to put a mirror in front of others so they can see they were beautifully and wonderfully made. We have the power as influential leaders to start filling in the cracks of broken people, broken systems, broken politics, broken cities. If we think it’s an impossible feat then we’ve lost before we begun.
We can fill those cracks with gold if we’ll start shifting where our desires are.
We need our desires to line up with God’s plan and God’s heart. We can go to a deeper place of love and leadership if we’ll be willing to give up our dreams for God’s dream.
If you don’t mind a little prophesy – The times we’re living in and moving furiously into will either make us or break us as leaders. It will require a supernatural intervention and brilliant strategy like never before seen in history. We’ll need to learn to leverage systems and strategies that are intended to break us and our greatest practice will be to hear God’s instructions for how to maneuver.
It’s a new world being birthed and we have to believe it’s not too late and the army’s not too small. I believe not only is God waiting, but the world is waiting for Believers to rise up and change the course of things.
Seriously, this is what we born for.