Every one of us has to know where we’re called to lead and who we’re called to “run with.”
It means I know the characteristics of people I’m investing and doing life with. Even Jesus did this. He chose his disciples. We need to take our mandates this seriously. I’m looking for the Truth Teller League of Believers. We are leaders willing to bring truth to a world full of questions. The biggest truths being that Jesus came to love, to heal and to save.
Each one of us is born with a mandate and a purpose. Mine is to bring healing to the nations. I can’t do this mission if I can’t see God’s strategy. I’m a leader of leaders and that’s how my mandate gets fulfilled.
As the Lord is looking for His bride, His special ops, His forerunners and His movement leaders, I’m doing the same thing.
The challenge is I’m human! The only way I can discern is to have my deepest desires be to see what I see my Lord is doing. That takes purity of desire.
He’s looking for His bride–the bride willing to prepare herself and willing to pierce the darkness. That’s what He told me as clear as the sky is blue. My knees literally buckled and I fell to the ground when I saw Jesus in a vision back in September of 2015 in my living room.
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Yesterday the Lord reminded me of this. It’s the remnant that will rise to the magnificent occasion that has been set before us.
We need the compassion of Christ, the power of the throne and the eyes of Jesus.
If our desire is to see Jesus and our part in His beautiful plan, we will see it. So, where is your desire?
Every realm of existence and creation will be shaken as we embark on the journey of playing on the Father’s playground. We will fight in the spirit and we’ll need strength in our body to carry the weight of the Father’s enormous heart.
As we make the transition from Believer to Kingdom Leader we will fight and slay many demons.
If you’re special ops, you will have seen a lot of the dark side. You’ve learned some things that have equipped you with kingdom strategies and you and I will continue learning about leverage.
We want to play on God’s playground and we’ll learn how to play well with each other.
Sometimes it will seem like we’re having to play by man’s rules and it may be the physical reality. The Holy Spirit will be our greatest Coach, Counselor and Comforter.
Jesus will give us the directives so we can maneuver. We will influence culture and we will succeed as we look into the eyes of Jesus.