I’m Heather Evans, the Founder and Host of The Sacramento Songwriter Circle, an in the round style music showcase and music community, springing up in the heart of Sacramento. It’s been a year and 4 months since I started this showcase and I am overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement to see how this community has grown organically through positivity, encouragement and support of local music. It’s something that I’ve never seen in any music community that I’ve been a part of and it’s inspiring. We just expanded our Music Showcase to 2 locations. One in Roseville at Fig Tree Coffee on the 2nd Wednesdays of each month, hosted by Ben Taylor. And the second at SHINE in Sacramento on the 4th Wednesdays of each Month, hosted by myself and Marco Robledo.
I received several words from people that we needed to be in downtown Sacramento, and I felt the pull myself. I thought of SHINE immediately, but knew it was a tough venue to get into. When I messaged SHINE on Facebook, they asked me many questions about what we do and to my surprise, they were interested immediately. WOW! Our very 1st showcase at SHINE was on Wednesday, April 24th at 7pm. We are excited because we know we are supposed to be there. Even the name SHINE has significance for me. I got a picture of the Songwriters in our group being like lights all over the city. That wherever they sing, they are being bringers of light and hope to parts of Sacramento. I am really expectant to see what God is going to do there through us.
Another new thing we just tried out was a Song Share Night. We often do Meet Ups that are more workshop like, but Song Share Nights are all about Community and sharing music. If you’ve ever seen the indie move “Once,” it’s basically like the scene of all the musicians eating and sharing songs around the table. It was moving, powerful and we were able to encourage each songwriter that shared. Tears, laughter, good food and community. It was a beautiful display of what I want for this community. They also gifted me with the most amazing mosaic photo of all of the individual photos placed together to make a photo of me that said “Anything’s Possible.” I was in awe and in shock that they would make something like that for me. I felt seen and loved and grateful to have found such an incredible group of people to call friends.
The most encouraging part of this whole process is finding people to help me actually run the Sacramento Songwriter Circle. Marco Robledo and David Andrew have been such great support and help for me as we move into bigger things. Marco helps with everything, and is my right hand man. We literally talk almost daily about how we can do better and encourage each other. David Andrew helps with The Songwriter Circle Podcast and helps me and Marco stay organized and focused. Stephanie Perez of Sparrows Storytelling is our Official Photographer for all of our events and does an incredible job. James Carnahan helps coordinate our sound team to help deliver amazing sound at our events. I’m learning that you can’t do everything on your own strengths and to rely on your teammates to go to the next level. It’s been truly humbling for me to work with such amazing people.
The Sacramento Songwriter Team was just Nominated for a SAMMIES Award as well. We feel so honored to be nominated by our community. I can’t wait to see what is next for the Sacramento Songwriter Circle. I envision us leveling up in every area, and it’s exciting. We hope so see you at a Showcase in Roseville or Sacramento soon!
Be sure to stay connected with us on Social Media on Instagram: @sacsongwritercircle and Facebook: www.facebook.com/sacramentosongwritercircle and on our website www.thesongwritercircle.com Listen & Subscribe to our Podcast The Songwriter Circle on iTUNES and Soundcloud.