As we enter the Hebrew year 5779, we need to understand the new revelation at hand, and how that revelation can be utilized to accelerate our transition into this new season. What is God doing and how is it different from seasons past? The year 5779 will be a year of preparation and birthing for the upcoming shift in 2020/5780.
As I sought the Lord concerning 5779, I had an encounter where I was transported back to the time of creation, seated inside the mouth of God, feeling the vibrations from the sound of His voice. My body was being reorganized and restructured to become one with His sound, flowing with the waves of His voice. I was reminded of Zephaniah 3:17 and could feel the Lord singing over me. However, His frequencies included more than just sound. Inexpressible shapes, colors, images, movements were also present in unearthly forms.
After this, He stressed in my spirit that the year 5779 will be a year of equipping and training our ears to learn what His voice really sounds like. I felt the Lord saying, “There is a need to raise up a company of sound-makers that are familiar with the sound of My voice and the culture and frequencies of heaven. They will establish a foundation for a new government of heaven on Earth.” The Lord revealed to me that this company has been equipped to minister unto the Lord and that they know full well that they have been called to do this.
In addition, we are going to see a shift from operating in the prophetic to hearing God Himself speak in a language we have not heard or operated in before. The Lord showed me that when we enter into 5780 (2020), we will shift our anointing and we must be trained to hear differently. It has been an amazing season of vision and discernment, of the prophetic and the apostolic, but in the coming seasons, the voice of God Himself will utter frequencies that need to be received, expressed, and manifested here on Earth just as they were in creation.
In the year 5780, the shift will start, and we have but one year left to train our minds and our spirits for prosperity. Heaven will release a divine resonance over the earth and we need to learn to recognize it. And the new company of sound-makers that God will commission will help us hear and translate exactly what He is saying.
I pray that those who read this article will seek the Lord to see if they are to be a part of this company. May this be a call to those who know they have been chosen to release the sound.