Warriors are designed to fight. We get an adrenaline rush from unsheathing our spiritual swords and going after injustice in a torrent of menacing tongues. Slaying the enemy with prayer satisfies our need to take action, do something, be bold. It’s in our DNA.
But we’re in a new season. It’s time to take up a new weapon. Don’t get me wrong, there is still undeniable power in prayer—don’t stop. But as God’s cosmic clock shifts into the new age, He is revealing to us modern warriors what the ancient warriors knew. Worship is a weapon.
In a posture of surrender and honor, we flex our spiritual muscles and intimidate the enemy. In letting go of our agenda, our prayer list, our side of the trade—“I’ll sacrifice this time to you, Lord, and You’ll do x for me,” we find victory.
Our Father’s Kingdom operates differently from the world; it’s usually opposite, actually. The world celebrates (worships) after something good happens: their team wins, they land the job, someone is cured, and so on. This is easy—a natural reaction. Kingdom power comes when we worship (celebrate) before the victory, before the good news, before the manifestation of a miracle. This is more difficult; it’s not natural to cheer and dance while you’re miserable, going through troubles, indecisive, or heavy with worry. It’s a sacrifice to intentionally change your physiology and get into a state of gratitude, awe, wonder, being open and submitted to receive His love, and just be in His presence. But in this true worship is where true power lies.
Louann Lee, an Auburn, CA worship leader wrote “At Your Feet”:
At Your feet kingdoms crumble
At Your feet the proud are humbledAt Your feet the weak are strong
And Your power is made known
It really made me think—if our mission is to heal the nations and set the captives in them free, then the corrupt power structures ruling them must first crumble. Those who set themselves up and traded with the enemy for power must be humbled. But first, we warriors must humble ourselves at our King’s feet. First, we need to lay down our earthly defenses, the stories we’ve made up to cover our insecurities, the walls we’ve built to protect ourselves. First, we must surrender and repent.
Yes, it’s difficult in the swirl of our thoughts, concerns, emotions. But it’s easier than you may think. Tommy Walker says it like this, “It is not effective to simply tell someone to stop worrying; stop being proud; stop being self-consumed, distracted, insecure, bound and materialistic. But it is effective to tell them to start worshiping.”
Just start worshiping. There we will fight with power what we can’t even comprehend. In our true worship, we wield the true weapons of war.