Remember the Wonder Twins cartoon? “Wonder Twin Powers—Activate!” I love this picture of how we need to come together in unity to activate. The Twins were often referred to as the Dynamic Duo. Like these comic superheroes, we also have a divine duo: the warrior, and the bride. I admit, I’m far more warrior than bride. In truth, though, we are called to be both. The Wonder Twins couldn’t activate their superpowers without coming together. We are most powerful and on track with our destiny when we operate in our divine duality. Being the bride is where we develop the intimacy required to receive and understand the strategies for war. Like the Wonder Twins needed to be in unity with each other to know exactly what shape to form for the situation, we need to operate with the mind of Christ to know what our situation requires. Like the Twins knew each other’s role and strengths, we need to know our “designment” and which part of the fight is for God to accomplish, and which part is for us.
Activation for the bride means putting aside our busyness and distractions to spend time with Jesus. Exercising our spiritual muscle in this sense is quieting our mind, will and emotions to practice hearing, seeing and perceiving Father accurately. There are myriad exercises and ways to strengthen your individual, spiritual muscle. Because Warrior Cry is a call to the army to rise up, let’s also look at the warrior bride in the context of unity.
Corporately activating the bride means we come together and press into Kingdom issues in prayer. We are called to be the Ekklesia, a governing body to transform the culture of the land we occupy into the culture of the Kingdom. Once we have our individual identity and assignment solid, we are to lock arms and get work done in the spirit realm. We are to prepare ourselves, the culture, and the atmosphere for our bridegroom to come.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Form a small covenant-bonded home group (see to find out what God wants to be administered in the spirit realm to be manifested on earth.
Now the Fun Part–Warrior Activation
“In warfare there are only four possible attitudes we can take: offense, defense, negotiation, and desertion. And there’s only one of these the enemy fears.”— Cheryl McGrath
I believe we have hemmed, hawed and negotiated, defending occasionally, and deserted by being asleep for far too long. Like the slow-cooked frog, we “suddenly” find our culture, our nation, and our world in the enemy’s disarray. The time is now to move as one. How do we do that?
- Get our minds and hearts fully engaged and understand that we are at war; we were born into a war. “Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage” (Ephesians 6:12, The Passion Translation). But we have to realize that these rebellious demons use human beings who knowingly or unwittingly carry out their malevolent activities.
- We need to stop fighting each other. Period. That’s straight from satan’s playbook, and it must stop.
- Know your place—your “designment.” Communications, Infantry, Pilot, Munitions, Cook, General, Special Operations, Spy, Maintenance, and the list goes on. Each role is critical to the successful outcome of each mission. We can no longer try to do everything ourselves. Another ironic parallel between the Wonder Twins and believers is that their true power and destiny were hidden from them by evil villains. They were marginalized and used as merely a circus act until they learned the truth and stepped into their true identitity and purpose. Sound familiar?
- Understand how your particular gifts and calling fit into the overall mission of defeating darkness, setting the captives free, and building the Kingdom. For those of us on the Business mountain, funding the war effort is critical; we need to get good at it. Become shrewd as serpents as well as innocent as doves.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Get into a good business coaching or mentorship program or relationship. Keep yourself sharp, growing, and accountable. - Warriors subordinate their own agenda for the good of the mission. They lay their own opinions and ideas down to follow the strategies of their officers. They die to self. I don’t know about you, but I’m not dead yet. Are you? Thank God he can still use us as we are still holding on to our lives. Joyful repentance has been a lifesaver—pun intended.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: How can you serve and support someone who is doing what you would like to do, who is more established, or has a broader reach? - We must become experts in warfare. That requires training, not just reading about it. Can you imagine our military sitting in a classroom, and then being put on the front lines? The results would be ghastly.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Enroll in Spiritual Warfare training courses and workshops, or watch them on YouTube at the very least. - Cultivate a posture of honor. Adopt a code of ethics, a bond of brothers nothing can divide. There will come a time (and it is already beginning) when those called to infiltrate and spy on the enemy will appear like they are not on our side. They may need to do things and say things we do not agree with. We need to know their heart, and cover them in prayer as they work out the strategies of heaven that are far beyond our comprehension.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Listen to the tested prophets, pray and discern, and research for yourself to know the Truth.
Embrace your own dynamic duo, and step into your destiny as a warrior bride. And, like soldiers heading onto the battlefield, know you are not alone. Feel that hand on your shoulder that says, “I’m with you.”